연세대학교 모의유엔대회(YMUN) 고등학생 의장단(Student Officers) 모집 공고입니다.
Recruiting Student Officers for -ml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />-ml:namespace prefix = o />-ml:namespace prefix = o />-ML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O />
Yonsei Model United Nations 2013
The fifth annual Yonsei Model United Nations (YMUN) is
in search of talented and experienced high school students to take on the job of
student officer (i.e. chair) this coming January. Chairing experience is
desirable and by no means the only measurement of talent. The YMUN secretariat
will largely keep an eye out for passion, drive, MUN experience and English
Preparation for this conference will include perfecting
your knowledge of the Rules of Procedure (ROP), writing up comprehensive chair
reports and maintaining continued communication with the YMUN secretariat. The
workload comes with responsibility, but isn’t insurmountably overwhelming. Also,
there’s no need to be intimidated by the task list since the YMUN secretariat
will guide students officers through each and every step.
Participation as a student officers will not only make an impressive
addition to your transcript, but also expand your horizons of knowledge, forge
relationships to last a lifetime and offer a hands-on, behind-the-scenes taste
of running a large conference. The opportunity is too good to be missed.
All those willing to devote their talents and passion to
making YMUN 2013 special, please don’t hesitate to apply.
Date: January 11, 2013 – January 13,
Venue: Yonsei University
Hosts: Yonsei Delegation for Model United Nations
(YDMUN) , Yonsei University Leadership Center
Download the officer
application form from http://ydmun.org/ydmun/ymun/downloads.php
Send completed application forms to apply.ymun2013@gmail.com
For further inquiries, contact the secretariat at secretariat.ymun2013@gmail.com
Application deadline: November 1st,
1st round of results by November
2nd, 2012
Interview on November 3rd,
0 XDK (+0)
유익한 글을 읽었다면 작성자에게 XDK를 선물하세요.
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. 8
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첫번째 댓글의 주인공이 되어보세요.