이보영 쌤의 다섯번째 칼럼: 창의성과 순응
오늘 칼럼에서 다룰 주제는 창의성과 순응입니다.
creativity 와 conformity는 수능 단골출제 주제인데요 어떻게 이 두 개념이 대조를 이루는 지 먼저 확인해보겠습니다.
21년도 수능특강 영어 10강 어휘 3번
The pressures toward (B) conformity / creativity are subtle but irresistible, for his position and his hopes for promotion are keyed to performance of duties, activities, and even attitudes which make the corporation successful.
위 문장은 EBS 수능특강 영어 책에서 그대로 가져왔습니다. 어휘 선택란에 둘 중 하나를 고르라는 건 두 단어가 서로 대조어임을 의미하죠.
이제 창의성 관련 기출문제들을 보겠습니다.
18년도 9평 31번
One unspoken truth about creativity ― it isn’t about wild talent so much as it is about ____________. To find a few ideas that work, you need to try a lot that don’t. It’s a pure numbers game. Geniuses don’t necessarily have a higher success rate than other creators; they simply do more ― and they do a range of different things. They have more successes and more failures. That goes for teams and companies too. It’s impossible to generate a lot of good ideas without also generating a lot of bad ideas. The thing about creativity is that at the outset, you can’t tell which ideas will succeed and which will fail. So the only thing you can do is try to fail faster so that you can move onto the next idea.
* at the outset: 처음에
① sensitivity
② superiority
③ imagination
④ productivity
⑤ achievement
창의성의 다양한 요소들 중 생산성에 대한 내용입니다. 창의성을 지닌 천재들은 단순히 다른 사람들보다 높은 수준의 성취를 이루는 것이 아니라 더 많이 실패하고 성공한다고 하네요.
17년도 수능 31번
The creativity that children possess needs to be cultivated throughout their development. Research suggests that overstructuring the child’s environment may actually limit creative and academic development. This is a central problem with much of science instruction. The exercises or activities are devised to eliminate different options and to focus on predetermined results. The answers are structured to fit the course assessments, and the wonder of science is lost along with cognitive intrigue. We define cognitive intrigue as the wonder that stimulates and intrinsically motivates an individual to voluntarily engage in an activity. The loss of cognitive intrigue may be initiated by the sole use of play items with predetermined conclusions and reinforced by rote instruction in school. This is exemplified by toys, games, and lessons that are a(n) ________ in and of themselves and require little of the individual other than to master the planned objective. [3점]
* rote: 기계적인 암기
① end ② input ③ puzzle ④ interest ⑤ alternative
(교육)환경에 대한 지나친 구조화가 아동의 창의성을 제한할 수 있다는 내용입니다. 결과가 정해져 있는 수업들로 인해 아동이 지적 호기심을 갖기 어려워 학문적 성장을 방해한다고 합니다. 빨간색으로 표시한 부분들은 전부 conformity와 관련된 표현입니다.
16년도 9평 32번
Investigators as a personality type place a high value on science, process, and learning. They excel at research, using logic and the information gained through their senses to conquer complex problems. Nothing thrills them more than a “big find.” Intellectual, introspective, and exceedingly detail-oriented, investigators are happiest when they’re using their brain power to pursue what they deem as a worthy outcome. They __________________________________, and they dislike overly structured environments that necessitate a set response to challenges. Investigators are not interested in leadership, and developing the interpersonal skills necessary to fuel collaboration is a hurdle for many of them. They may feel insecure in their ability to “keep up” in their fields and can react badly when forced to put more important work on hold to complete a task that doesn’t intrigue them. [3점]
* introspective: 자기 성찰적인** deem: 여기다, 생각하다
① attempt to go with the flow
② prefer to march to their own beat
③ dare to take the lead from the front
④ tend to work shoulder to shoulder
⑤ pay more attention to assigned tasks
연구자들은 그들의 지식을 활용하여 가치 있는 결과를 추구하고, 지나치게 구조화된 환경보다 스스로 개척해나가는 것을 좋아한다는 내용입니다. 정답선지인 prefer to march to their own beat 라는 표현을 통해 구조화된 학습이 창의성과 반대되는 개념이며 개척자정신이 창의성을 나타내는 표현임을 알 수 있습니다.
이 외에
Creativity results from a complex interaction between a person and his or her environment or culture, and also depends on timing. 19년도 9평 21번
The highly respected physicist Enrico Fermi told his students that an experiment that successfully
proves a hypothesis is a measurement; one that doesn’t is a discovery. 19년 수능 21번
기존의 가설을 증명(순응)하는건 측정에 불과하다. 이를 반박하는 것이 발견(창의성)이다.
등등 창의성을 소재로 나온 많은 문제들이 있습니다.
다음 칼럼에서는 ‘생태계: 공존, 경쟁, 기생, 포식’ 을 주제로 이야기해보겠습니다.
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